February 19, 2020

Ingersoll Streetscape Presentation at Feb. 2020 WHO Meeting

The Woodland Heights Organization held its February monthly meeting on Tue. Feb. 18, 2020.  Meeting attendees had many questions for the guests, presenting on Phase 1 of the 4-phase Ingersoll Streetscape Project.

Scott Ameida of engineering & design firm, Kirkham Mickael
at the WHO meeting Feb. 18, 2020

A representative from the engineering firm designing the project spoke first on project details.  Each phase of the project will take 1 construction season, with the first phase beginning in 2020.  The 2020 progress will include the North side of Ingersoll Ave. from MLK Jr. Pkwy to 24th Street. 
The goal of the streetscaping is to create a complete street that is tighter, and more walkable, with calmer traffic.  Look for: buried utility lines, safer biking (bike lane separated from traffic lane), mass transit amenities (including mid-block pedestrian crossing), and stormwater improvement (featuring permeable pavers). 

Kris Maggard, Executive Director of The Avenues of Ingersoll & Grand
addresses neighbors Feb. 18, 2020

Kris Maggard, Exec. Dir. of The Avenues of Ingersoll & Grand explained to residents that construction will not be a pleasant process to drive around, but traffic will be able to move down the street and businesses will be accessible.  In future phases and years the project will continue westward down Ingersoll Ave.  All street parking will converted to parallel parking and more ADA accessibility will be a feature of the completed improvements. 

For more information, there will be a public meeting held
Thursday, March 26, 2020 from 5:15pm-6:30pm
in the Noah's Ark Banquet Room @ 2400 Ingersoll Ave. 

Maggard also briefly touched on the Hurd property at 31st and Ingersoll.  A previous development plan for that large site had fallen through.  Maggard told neighbors she expected news about the site (with a new development plan) to be coming in 2021.

DMPD's Sgt. Scarlett provides the regular NBSD report
to WHO neighbors Feb. 18, 2020

Also at the Feb. WHO meeting, Sgt. Scarlett reminded neighbors about the importance of calling in bad or strange things you see to the police dispatch (515) 283-4811.  This gets a record of any observation or incident on the computer which can be researched at a later date.  Along with updating residents on the regular monthly report, Sgt. Scarlett shared info about the CrimeMapping.com website that anyone can use to research certain reported crimes.

Cameron updates the WHO on proposed group norms
at the February monthly meeting 2/18/2020

A bit of old business was wrapped up when the WHO group norms were reviewed and generally agreed upon.  This came out of an activity held in December 2019

Finally, it was voted on by the membership to oppose a bill introduced to the legislature that would limit state historic tax credits so they would no longer be available to owner-occupied projects.

The March 17, 2020 WHO monthly meeting is the annual meeting featuring officer and board elections.  If you are interested in learning more about the board and volunteer leadership (or know someone who is) check out the calendar page of this site for info on the 2 upcoming board info-session-socials.


This post typed by Phil.

The Woodland Heights Organization (WHO) is the neighborhood association recognized by the city of Des Moines representing Woodland Heights. Its purpose is is to stabilize, preserve, and revitalize area homes, enhance the quality of life in the neighborhood, and to promote community within our neighborhood amongst all residents and businesses. WHO is a volunteer organization.

for more information email who50312@gmail.com; view past issues of the email newsletter and subscribe at bit.ly/whoemail; like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/whodesmoines

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