June 16, 2010

We need your help!

The Woodland Heights Organization is trying to do its part to continue making Des Moines a wonderful place to live and work. We need your help!  We rely strictly on donations and grants to make our neighborhood beautiful and safe for residents and visitors. We’re always looking for donations of any kind! Some examples include:
  • Monetary Donations. Due to budgeting issues, we can no longer afford to send residents a monthly newsletter. We’d love to re-establish this newsletter and communicate with our neighbors! Your donations could help go towards printing and postage costs.  Montary donations can be mailed to: Woodland Heights Organization at P.O. Box 12104, Des Moines, IA 50312.
  • Advertisements. Promote your local business or service through an ad in our newsletter or on our blog.
  • Event Donations. Throughout the year we enjoy holding “neighborhood events” to increase loyalty to the area. These types of events could benefit from monetary donations, food donations, prize donations … the list is endless!
  • Volunteer time. We regularly have activities that require the assistance of everyone, such as landscaping, scrub day activities, grant writing and much, much more!
In order to keep the Woodland Heights neighborhood growing in the right direction, we need the help of our neighbors! Please consider making a donation of any kind.