Don't forget the Woodland Heights Christmas Party is this coming Tuesday December 14th at the Mickle Center located at 1620 Pleasant Street.
This is in the Sherman Hill District, just across M L King Parkway from our neighborhood.
PLEASE RSVP to Maxine Watkins at 282-4244 as soon as possible so we can make plans for everyone who attends.
Doors open at 5 pm and the Pot Luck Dinner begins at 6 pm. There are some fantastic prizes being given away also.
We really want to see a lot of our neighbors at the party. This is a great opportunity to spend some time with the people that live in your neighborhood.
We all have a lot of ideas of what should be happening to our neighborhood, this is a great time to share those ideas.
The weather has been perfect for traveling (even a few blocks) so getting there should not be a problem.
If anyone needs a ride call Maxine and we will make arrangements to get you there and back.
Please plan on having a great meal and a wonderful time with all your friends from the Woodland Heights neighborhood.
Call Maxine now at 282-4244