This message is from our neighborhood Sgt. - Sgt. Vince Valdez
Woodland Heights Residents:
I found the information about the
Character Plan to be very interesting. I am a history buff and am always interested in learning about the many historic neighborhoods in Des Moines. My hat is off to Lila and so many of you who take pride in the heritage and preservation of your neighborhood. This is a heritage that should never be forgotten and passed on to the new residents that come to live in Woodland Heights.
I hope the information I presented to you last night was informative and alleviated the fears that are so prevalent regarding the rash of burglaries on the west side and in your back yard.
I'm going to pass along this information again I shared in an earlier e-mail regarding the burglaries as well as last night at the meeting. I'm also including some home safety tips that may sound too simple but that's how burglars easily exploit our weaknesses-by going for the simple stuff.
With the recent wave of home burglaries in the Woodland Heights, North of Grand, and South of Grand neighborhoods there is understandably a serious concern for the safety of the neighborhoods and what the police department is doing or has done to solve this rash of crimes.
I am happy to report that the DM Police Department and it's partners in law enforcement have worked very hard at identifying the suspects and in the last two weeks have made several arrests.
I assisted members of our intelligence unit and members of a fugitive task force on Tuesday of last week as they located a group of individuals responsible for a wave of burglaries, thefts, and fraud cases.
I also wanted to address your concern over the lack of attention to Woodland Heights and their burglaries a couple of weeks when officers of the patrol section and NBSD were concentrated in the area south of Grand during a rash of burglaries. Those resources were called there to respond to a series of incidents that were happening, right then, with suspects still in the neighborhood.
A resident in the area was able to take pictures of the suspects who were later located, positively identified and arrested. They were part of a loosely organized group of young adults and juveniles that were committing crimes in the NOG, Woodland Heights and Sherman Hill neighborhoods.
The investigation is not over as more leads and connections keep coming. Some of the arrested individuals have bonded out and some are still in jail as they had outstanding warrants for probation violation prior to the new charges.
Just a few home safety tips--real simple but effective.
When you leave your home each day be sure to check all doors and windows and see that they are locked. The majority of the latest burglaries were committed by opportunists finding windows unlocked and slightly open. The crooks were able to remove or cut screen and raise the windows permitting entry. EASY--NOISELESS
Keep a car in the driveway if you have a second car that isn't being driven. This give the appearance that someone is home.
Keep hedges and trees trimmed, particularly those that are in front of first floor windows and doors. Purchase strong locks for windows and doors.
Develop good relations with your neighbors and keep in contact reporting any suspicious persons or vehicles.
If you observe a crime in progress, STAY CALM, BE AN EFFICIENT OBSERVER. Many times, victims AND witnesses become so emotionally overcome with fear or anger they can't give an accurate description of the incident or the perpetrators or they may completely forget what happened.
DO NOT confront the criminal. rather stay out of sight and call police immediately. You may be asked to give directions and give a play by play of the activity so officers can zero right in on the act. Stay out of sight, stay in contact and let the police surprise them!!
Remember, you can be an important link in the investigation and in the closure of a case. Use you best powers of observation.
- Sgt. Vince Valdez