June 15, 2016

Interested in what's going on with China One Buffet?

Ingersoll is bustling!  
Read about the proposed development for Ingersoll here in the Des Moines Register. 

If you're interested in learning more, make plans to attend our June 21st meeting at the Mickle Center (starts at 7:00 p.m.).

We'll discuss the project with the investment firm and reshare our vision from the 2013 Character Plan Study ... 

The residents of Woodland Heights envision a cohesive, aesthetically pleasing,and peaceful neighborhood where families can thrive in a socially diverse,historically significant community that remains connected to its natural setting and surrounding urban environment.

This vision statement is part of the Character Plan study created for our neighborhood. Please become familiar with the character plan here

June 14, 2016

Lets get digital ...

Join your fellow neighbors on these two social media platforms!



It's great and quick way to stay in touch!

Meeting Notification: Tuesday June 21st at Mickle Center

We have a lot to catch up on!

Please join us for our quarterly meeting on Tuesday, June 21st at 7:00 p.m.  We're anticipating a large turnout, so we've moved the meeting indoors to the Mickle Center:
1620 Pleasant Street, Des Moines.

Here's a proposed agenda:

  • Neighborhood update from our DSM partners (building inspections, law enforcement)
  • Overview of a proposed development plan for Ingersoll (replacing China Buffet)
  • Plans for Neighborhood Night Out in August 

Please make plans to attend!