There was a great turnout from the neighborhood to listen to the development ideas for the location of China One. We had over 55 neighbors in attendance - we loved the turnout! Thank you for showing your support of the neighborhood!
Below is the agenda and a lot of notes from the meeting.
I. Call to order -5 minutes
II. WHO Board Open Position Announcements -5 minutes
- Chair-Open (Accepting Nominations)
- Vice-Chair: (Dough McBride, Nominated)
III. Update from our DSM partners (building inspections, law enforcement) -10 minutes
- None available; contacts were not able to attend the meeting.
IV. Plans for Neighborhood Night Out in August (1st Tuesday in August)- 5 minutes
- Looking for volunteers to host; sent around sign-up sheet.
V. Overview of a development plans along Ingersoll Corridor
WHO: Claudia gave an overview of the current neighborhood plan (developed in 2013 with over 16 hours of meetings; survey). Main focus was to understand the uniqueness of
Woodland Heights (single family homes, but in an urban community –
MLK/Ingersoll); want to keep pedestrian friendly; access to amenities; really
believe home ownership helps – wanted owner occupied dwellings; beautification
Ingersoll General (Matt)
Development for Ingersoll
corridor timeline:
- 1998 – effort by Susie McBroom; neighborhood
leaders – wanted a streetscape plan to create a better environment for
residents; businesses
- By 2004 – plan approved; development potential
(MLK to 42nd Street)
- By 2008 – First phase (pilot project) 28 to 31st
street completed; group felt that execution was slow; much left to do
- By 2012 - Strategy was then written to complete
the plan (business owners, property owners; major institutions, neighborhoods,
etc.) involved in that process – 11 neighborhoods; 7 which touch
Ingersoll. Financial model developed – established a TIF
district - commercial properties. After
3 years of close monitoring by DSM city and county – TIF district was
officially approved (Part 1) – build it.
Part 2 – maintenance and ongoing promotion of district and capital
improvements (public art, grant programs, economic development, etc.)
- Mixed use nature for Ingersoll – available on
city of Des Moines website. (end of July launch) to provide marketing info.
For /communities – gets you to plans for neighborhoods and Ingersoll
Mike Ludwig – City Planning 15 years with city
- Growth in downtown has been significant.
- Want to learn from that success; revitalize
neighborhoods and corridors.
- 18 month planning effort – followed up on the
‘tomorrow plan’ from a regional plan.
- Concept of nodes and coordinator
development. When meeting with city
council around comprehensive planning for the city – wanted to implement
regional principals locally in our comprehensive plan.
- Ingersoll is envy of other areas of corridors in
the city. They are trying to learn
lessons from Ingersoll success.
- Housing/density of properties; commercial
success – residential dentist around it can support (Ingersoll used to be a
trolley path) – always had public transit, always dense (100 units/acre of apt.
- Corridors are front door to the neighborhood and
vitality of the neighborhoods.
- City would like to see improved density, mixed
use for Ingersoll properties. Good for city, good for neighborhood; want
to make sure it’s compatible with neighborhood (southern portion of property
for density), but northern side more residential and architectural compatible
that is part of High street (row houses, etc.)
- Plan is not yet approved or submitted; believe
there is a lot of common ground within the plan. For quality and development in this area then
there are
- City Traffic Engineering is
here to answer questions too.
Mike answered some questions:
- What
about zoning issues? Nothing has formally been submitted. Need to look at rezoning. Current zoning requirements have been in place since the 90s; in process of re-writing –
could see having a new district apply around Ingersoll; has helped prevent auto
orientated development. Because of the
density is consistent with comprehensive plan; but more than the current
- What are we going to put on south side of high street? Recommended row houses, but not anything
compared to “Hubbell” structures on MLK more consistent with bricksone in Sherman Hill (3 story) Example: Dahls on Ingersoll –what should be
built on the back of the property?
Started with housing, but ended with back of commercial building; Do
want to consider residential for backing up to High Street.
- What is the current zoning? 1 dwelling unit per 2000 (56 units);
city council has routinely granted more density by city council. 1991 – Character Plan; even though we wanted
residential; home owner occupied on high street – recommended at that time to
take out multiplex … to single housing.
- What about our character plan? Believe this is being followed. That plan has called for commercial
development on this property. Never had a plan
for single-housing within this area. This is a mixed
use opportunity. It’s consistent. And have learned a lot of lessons around
appropriate density and what works. Ingersoll and DSM are urban and need to
accept and recognize our urban (comp plan talks about). That’s strength and build upon that. We can save money by using existing
structures; tax base – city can help provide more services or lower
taxes. Good maximum use of site. Current
use is underutilized.
- Traffic? Density is appropriate with transit
opportunities; bike roads; close to downtown this is a good plan. Traffic needs to be looked at as part of the proposal.
- Where there other offers? In general, fast food, convenient stores, gas
stores, etc. But, this is the best I’ve seen. No one was ever able to reach terms with
property owner. This the best proposal
development submitted for the property.
Encourage open mind; open dialogue.
They have come to you before going to DSM. This is unique; requested.
Roers Investment - Developers from MN
Who they are: We love the neighborhood; want to make an investment in the
neighborhood. They are not local, but are from MN. Owners came to the meeting to hear from residents. They typically own 15
to 20% of buildings; then bring in local community investors. Other examples of their investments in Des Moines (will invest $100 million with DSM this year):
- Confluence – building 211 units there (by El Bait shop) –
came through worked through land owner and buy that land. Turned into high dollar site, create
communities (pools, hot tubs, etc.); it’s where it fits in. Downtown project is $45 million project.
- Flats/Warren properties in West Des Moines.
The China One project is estimated at $35 million investment. To get started with their proposal they have looked at the Ingersoll plan, the city plan and the neighborhood plan. At an earlier meeting with the neighborhood they took away a few concerns they wanted to address:
- Ingersoll – urban corridor – trying to push that plan
- Woodland Heights – trying to protect character, people,
safety ... and to know what's in it for me
Safety – don’t know if we can stop people from
High street traffic; but looking at options and will work with city.
· Sense of community – would like to partner with
NNO; WHO; wants us to be proud of the development. invite you onto properties, want you to be proud
What’s in it for me? Tax dollars go to schools, this development
will help raise a tax base. Brings more
revenue to the community. In your survey (for the character plan):
52 individuals – vacant properties most
concerned about; we see this as an out of date building and vacant. We bought the land.
48 people – property up keep – trying to bring
in high scale building. Not low budget
· We captured concerns and want to address
them, they started with:
Partnering early on with city with project. Understood Ingersoll/Grand plan.
Took a look at Ingersoll today; what works;
single story – up to street scape “small town neighborhood” feel
2 retail buildings (single story, local
restaurants, unique shops, etc.); then a large u shape building to
improve efficiencies (with heated parking underneath); backside is a 3 story
building with walk ability, brickstone project look/feel (this is on high
street to provide a buffer to the family environment and parking
7th site plan – based on feedback
from business owners, city, homeowners
24th street main access (what about
traffic) – modified based on input
Added additional parking – to try and take off
residential street to have minimal impact (added 14 stalls – at over 67 stalls
for what the plan would typically call for) – total of 235 total parking stalls
and 157 units
5 stories in the center building
How many stalls reserved for residents vs.
retail (1 to 1 for apts, over would be used for restaurants); cross parking
Underground parking for residents
Taking away parking for snow ordnance – big deal for us – this lot was
Traffic: Snow removal taken care of different
organization. Neighborhood would need to
pursue odd/even parking options.
- What’s the breakdown of the apts/row houses – primarily,
studio, 1 bedroom; 2 bedrooms? –
one on high is 3 stories. 3 full stories
above ground for apts. How is the proprety?
What is the total elevation of property –
Have tried to stay away from garden level
Not going to be income redistricted
Quality: $200,000 per apt. unit ($35 million) – very nice places that bring in mixture of
Neighborhood – not someplace where people want
to stay and make it a forever home.
Young people want an urban experience – studio – seeing people stay and
Zoning district written in 1995 – midpoint selected
between two zones. See that changing now from 57 to much higher – esp. next to
transit routes; bike lanes. 60
units would be a massive underutilization of property.
Requesting tax abatement for 10 years. Without that abatement these types of
projects not viable.
What about owner occupied town homes?
Not going to be able to appease everyone – but
really trying to design the plan – and make it financially viable.
Struggle with the thought of for sale by owner
for this property.
Matt had is split into 3 zones, high, medium,
low – shifted it such a way that
Main issues is a lot of density on Ingersoll,
but to make retail to really go – first level retail, specific tenants for
ventilation above; not the most flexible. Need to keep retail separate from
Why can't this be single family housing? 11 units – can’t get it to be financially
viable. It’s one site – owners, renters,
parking battles, etc.
Neighbors shared ...
Need to focus on the high street to work with
the neighborhood – really need to work with us; treasure our neighborhood and
concerned about parking.
Excited about plans – for retail / pedestrian
focus /
We have some barging chips, we have human
capital. WE are not likely too interested in high end units. WE have to
look at it … this is ours and it’s something that is valuable. We often don’t have the $ to support our
value -
I moved to DSM for properties/development like
this. They are doing the city a favor to
develop this content.
Maybe 20 units removal is too much, but what can
we do? To make this work?
Fair housing controls # of housing.
Majority of units is studio, 1 bedroom, jr.
suites – people want to live alone.
Can you add additional onsite parking? 20 stalls would really help.
We are looking to work with Mediacom for shared parking agreement.
Build down $200,000 – not numerically possible to add more stalls underneath
450 sq. feet of Studio ; 600 – 650 sq feet other units; sound proof; air variance between units; Laminate; luxury vinyl tile
What is public transportation around site?
- DART has route 60; long term plan is main stop
is right in front of the site plan; Dart will want shelter, etc.
Has seen an up increase in this route
Great service – easy way for people to get into
Know we need to create pedestrian safety as part
of this plan
Want bike support:
We build bike cafes – social place, place to
hang bikes, indoor bike parking, want place to work on bikes, etc.
Retail establishments – main has been around to
find eclectic properties. Working with local business owners. Are looking for
these types of opportunities.
- How many parking spots would be dedicated to restaurants? Around 50 parking stalls … not dedicating the spots.
This plan
seems like it would increase traffic and concerns? What can we do to curtail that ? 1 way, speed bumps, etc.
Traffic studies – looking at existing traffic volumes,
circulation, pedestrian crossing, all of these types of Patterns will be looked; how it this impacted with this development?
How are they getting in / out? Key looks … will get consultant.
Take these concerns and look at this for the
plan. This study will be done as
We partner with Schneider and associates … to get at traffic
concerns. Study will used to have DSM
city – enforce. To minimize resident impact.
Back end parking – similar to East Village. Development team puts something forward, we
work to partner with
Review process – staff comments (public hearings on zoning);
this will continue to evolve as more formal it gets in property.
What is the zimeline?
Sale won’t go through September
Intending to submit initial
application to city - for rezone request within the next few weeks. Once that is established, city staff starts
to review and additional adjustments based on plan. Very preliminary right now.
Rezoning – is about 60 to 90 day
process. WE have submittal deadlines
(tomorrow, every two weeks) … b/c planning commission meets every 2 weeks – 30
day process, then takes to city council and (3 readings by council) – look at
60 to 90 days of process from the city for plan unit development to be.
2 opportunities to discuss to the current proposal. Required to let neighborhood know with exact
dates. 20 and 10 days of time. Notify 250 feet of subject property;
association. In this instance, Woodland
heights will go.
8:30 p.m. meeting adjourned.