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Neighborhood Based Service Delivery (NBSD) Unit Officer, Sgt. Yanira Scarlett answers Woodland Heights Neighbors' questions at the town hall neighborhood meeting at Scottish Rite Park Sept. 18, 2018 |
Approximately 20 neighbors attended the meeting. The following came directly from the town hall:
Questions, comments, concerns, goals, and ideas from neighbors:
1. Idea: Collaboration with North of Grand neighborhood
2. Concern: Gentrification of Woodland Heights neighborhood
3. Goal: Increase Scottish Rite Park resident engagement with WHO
4. Question: How do we differentiate WHO and our neighborhood from other neighborhoods and associations (specifically North of Grand)
5. Comment: WHO provides a good way to find out what's going on in the neighborhood
6. Idea: Working on housing issues in Des Moines (Bridging the Gap)
7. Question: Does Airbnb work in neighborhood?
8. Concern: Rents are going sky high
9. Concern: Make sure landlords keep rental housing stock in fair condition
10. Concern/Question: Is someone sleeping in Chamberlain Park and causing disturbance?
11. Question: What is the best thing for neighbors to do if homeless are in Chamberlain Park after-hours?
12. Idea: Joppa is a group that helps with homelessness in Des Moines
13. Comment: Can use neighborhood meetings to learn what's happening in Woodland Heights
14. Comment: Welcome to new neighbors!
15. Question: Aren't we happy that home values are increasing?
16. Concern: 8 reported auto accidents on Woodland in 2018 year-to-date
17. Idea: Increase amount of 'no parking' space near 24th and Woodland
18. Idea: Investigate making 24th Street 1-way between Woodland and Center
Sergeant Scarlett recommended neighbors review the CrimeMapping.com website to keep aware of incidents in Des Moines. And as neighbors see anything suspicious or troubling, please call it in to the non-emergency police number: 515-283-4811 (you can report anonymously). If you see something, say something.
This post typed by Phil.
The Woodland Heights Organization (WHO) is the neighborhood association recognized by the city of Des Moines representing Woodland Heights. Its purpose is is to stabilize, preserve, and revitalize area homes, enhance the quality of life in the neighborhood, and to promote community within our neighborhood amongst all residents and businesses. WHO is a volunteer organization.
for more information email who50312@gmail.com; view past issues of the email newsletter and subscribe at bit.ly/whoemail; like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/whodesmoines