Polk County Supervisor, District 5, Matt McCoy address the Woodland Heights Organization June 18, 2019 |
Des Moines Mayor, Frank Cownie speaks with Woodland Heights neighbors June 18, 2019 |
Woodland Heights neighbors present June 18, 2019 on recent Civil & Human Rights Symposium |
Other business conducted at the meeting included approving spending for National Night Out signage, and approving spending for Des Moines Neighbors annual membership renewal. Reports were made on traffic and NBSD issues.
Mark you calendars and spread the word about National Night Out. The Woodland Heights neighborhood will be hosting an event Tuesday, August 6 starting at 5:30 pm in Chamberlain Park. Find more information on Facebook.
This post typed by Phil.
The Woodland Heights Organization (WHO) is the neighborhood association recognized by the city of Des Moines representing Woodland Heights. Its purpose is is to stabilize, preserve, and revitalize area homes, enhance the quality of life in the neighborhood, and to promote community within our neighborhood amongst all residents and businesses. WHO is a volunteer organization.
for more information email who50312@gmail.com; view past issues of the email newsletter and subscribe at bit.ly/whoemail; like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/whodesmoines