Virtual WHO meeting July 21, 2020 |
Much of the meeting was spent hearing updates from and putting questions to Des Moines City Council Member, representing Ward III, Josh Mandelbaum.
Council Member Mandelbaum spoke on a wide range of topics, many of which can be found in the meeting minutes ( The minutes also include links to 2 different statements written by Mandelbaum.
Save the date for Tue. Aug. 18. The August WHO meeting details are TBD with updates coming soon. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
This post typed by Phil.
The Woodland Heights Organization (WHO) is the neighborhood association recognized by the city of Des Moines representing Woodland Heights. Its purpose is is to stabilize, preserve, and revitalize area homes, enhance the quality of life in the neighborhood, and to promote community within our neighborhood amongst all residents and businesses. WHO is a volunteer organization.
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