Woodland Heights Organization - Regular Meeting
August 16, 2011
Meeting called to order my President Doug McBride 7:02pm.
All present introduced themselves.
Present was Ted Irvine, owner of The Mansion located at 2801 Ingersoll Ave and member of Restoration Ingersoll Board. Ingersoll District borders seven neighborhoods. Their focus is on beautifying street curb to buildings. Working on establishing TIF district to include Ingersoll and Grand Avenue as well as commercial property including apartment buildings north of Ingersoll. They anticipate an approximately $20 million total project. Also working with DART for a high-frequency bus route from down-town to new depot and downtown which would be a $40 million project.
Lyla Dosier was elected by the members present to represent the WHO with the Restoration Ingersoll Board.
Parks representative gave brochures promoting Des Moines’ new dog park. They spent $25,000 on restoration of monuments at Woodland Cemetery during the last year. Unleashed dogs and owners that don’t clean up after their dogs at Woodland Cemetery was discussed.
The members present discussed information to include on the neighborhoods application for the Neighborhood Revitalization Program.
Brain-stormed answers to application questions are summarized:
1) Why does your neighborhood organization want to participate in the Pilot Charter Neighborhoods Program? Please list specific goals or outcomes that you would like to achieve.
Answers: Improve aesthetics. Collaborate with existing and future projects. Landscaping. Address corridors such as Ingersoll, 28th Street, Woodland Avenue, MLK Avenue. Make MLK more pedestrian/bike friendly. Fence along Woodland Avenue cemetery.
2) How has your neighborhood changed over the past ten years, or since the original plan was completed?
Answers: Improving housing stock from 65% needing rehab to 35% needing improvement. Chamberlain Park is new. 17 Row houses are new. 32 brand new homes in-filled architectural style. MLK Avenue improvements. Ingersoll improvements. Three historic districts were recognized. Non-owner occupied property cut in half. New sewer, street, etc.
3) Do you feel the majority of your original neighborhood plan objectives have been accomplished?
Answer: Yes. Bike trail does not traverse neighborhood is one exception.
4) Are there parts of your original neighborhood plan that you want to update, and why?
Answers: Linden Street needs restoration. Want reduce apathetic landlords and neglected property. Make Chamberlain Park more conducive to public gatherings. Perhaps utilize public works property for parking on the south side of the park. Flowers, shrubs, etc. could be planted to beautify the park as well as brick flowerbeds.
5) What new opportunities for improvement or areas of concern would you like to work on through this process?
Answer: Work with HUD and banks on foreclosed homes that are currently vacant in the neighborhood due to the recent recession.
6)What have been the major accomplishments of your organization? What are you most proud of achieving?
Answers: Historic district designation. In-fill housing. Reduction of crime. (We need to get statistics from police department.) Rawlins street and Pleasant St paving.
7) What are the challenges facing your neighborhood that you believe the neighborhood organization is unable to resolve on its own? Why?
Answers: Linden Street revitalization. Pleasant Street 26th to 28th sidewalks need to be installed. Trees on public property and parking. Why: Funding.
8) How will your neighborhood organization take a leadership role in this process?
For example, involving residents and stakeholders in the process, providing regular communication updates.
Answer: Email, neighborhood meetings, newsletter. Collaborating with Restoration Ingersoll Board, other neighborhoods, police, parks board, etc.
After brainstorming session Lyla Dozier moved to apply for grant and application for new neighborhood plan which was seconded by Dan Robbins. Motion approved unanimously by all present.
Forty-seven dollars was donated by members present to the WHO via the donation box at the meeting.
Meeting was adjourned 8:58 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Barry M. Tofteland, treasurer
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