Our President, Doug on Channel Five
Check out the news story that featured our very own Doug McBride. Woodland Heights is going to be an exciting place to live in during the next few years -- and BEYOND! Beginning mid-2012, the neighborhood will begin working with an ISU graduate student to chart out projects to enhance our neighborhood (because we were selected for the grant!!). Items that we identified during the grant application process to tackle include (but is not limited to
- Woodland Heights Cemetary fence
- Chamberlain Park enhancements
- Gateway beautification
- Bike trails
- Linden Street enhancements
- Much, much more!
Here's a note from Doug:
Congratulations to all of us who put together the presentation that lead the way to our being accepted into the Neighborhood Revitalization Program.
I want to recognize the following residents for their efforts to lead the way to the revitalization of Woodland Heights. The neighborhood owes these people a great debt of gratitude for their tremendous amount of hard work and commitment.
- Lyla Dozier
- Barry Tofteland
- Laura Tofteland
- Doug McBride
- Carol Lewis
- Dan Robbins
Also, thank you to the city of Des Moines and the NRB for all their work in putting together this opportunity for the selected neighborhoods. When we all work together, revitalization works.
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