January 17, 2019

Neighborhood kicks off 2019 with cookies, social

The Woodland Heights Organization held a social event Tuesday, January 15, 2019 to kick off the new year.  The New Year Cookie (& Dessert) Kickoff was held at Scottish Rite Park.  Neighbors brought desserts to share potluck-style and Scottish Rite Park generously donated coffee.

Woodland Heights neighbors enjoy treats and socializing during the WHO 2019 New Year Cookie Kickoff Jan. 15, 2019
In addition to catching up with neighbors and friends, attendees were invited to participate in a Bingo game to help introduce themselves and get to know others.  Neighbors completing a Bingo not only learned about each other, but also won prizes donated by WHO Board members.

The only business conducted during the meeting was the selection of 3 people to serve on the temporary Nominating Committee, tasked with presenting the slate of candidates for the WHO Board of Directors election at the March 19, 2019 WHO Annual Meeting.

Toward the end of the evening, Des Moines City Council member, Josh Mandelbaum addressed the gathering.

Ward 3 Des Moines City Council Member, Josh Mandelbaum, encourages neighbors to support the LOSST during the January 2019 Woodland Heights social event
Mandelbaum spoke about recent developments with the city including presenting Des Moines voters the opportunity to pass or fail a 1% Local Option Sales and Service Tax (LOSST).  Mandelbaum spoke in favor of this tax on purchases that will both provide property tax relief and provide Des Moines and new revenue stream to fund city services.  The election will be held Tuesday, March 5. 

This post typed by Phil.
The Woodland Heights Organization (WHO) is the neighborhood association recognized by the city of Des Moines representing Woodland Heights.  Its purpose is is to stabilize, preserve, and revitalize area homes, enhance the quality of life in the neighborhood, and to promote community within our neighborhood amongst all residents and businesses.  WHO is a volunteer organization.
for more information email who50312@gmail.com; view past issues of the email newsletter and subscribe at bit.ly/whoemail; like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/whodesmoines

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