August 22, 2019

Schooled at August 2019 WHO meeting

Attendees to the August 20, 2019 Woodland Heights Organization monthly meeting were taken to class.

Callanan Middle School Associate Principal, Ryan Daugherty
speaks to the Woodland Heights Organization August 20, 2019
The meeting's featured guest was one of the Associate Principals from Callanan Middle School, a prominent structure in the Woodland Heights Neighborhood.  Associate Principal, Ryan Daugherty is starting his 6th year as an administrator at Callanan.  He's seen growth in the student population every school year.  Mr. Daugherty shared some of the practices they've implemented at the school, their focus on teaching for jobs that have yet to be envisioned, and things like conative learning (thinking about the 'why' and being purposeful).  Mr. Daugherty also shared some logistical things like dealing with after-school traffic congestion between 3:25 and 3:40 pm.
For more information on Callanan you can visit their website.
All volunteer information is centrally located at the Volunteer page of the DMPS website

WHO Board Member William Strong shares
Safety & Inspections Committee update August 20, 2019

Other business conducted during the August meeting included a recap of National Night Out, including feedback for how to improve the event in future years.  A reimbursement request was passed for some of the supplies purchased for the event.

Welcome Wagon Committee's Kirsten
shares welcome and updates August 20, 2019

There were a couple new things that occurred during the August WHO monthly meeting, including using a different side of the meeting room than typical, and starting the meeting with a welcome and update from the Welcome Wagon.

This post typed by Phil.
The Woodland Heights Organization (WHO) is the neighborhood association recognized by the city of Des Moines representing Woodland Heights.  Its purpose is is to stabilize, preserve, and revitalize area homes, enhance the quality of life in the neighborhood, and to promote community within our neighborhood amongst all residents and businesses.  WHO is a volunteer organization.
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