February 18, 2021

Annual Meeting POSTPONED & info from AMOS

An important piece of business passed at the February monthly meeting of the Woodland Heights Organization (WHO) on Feb. 16, 2021.  A motion PASSSED to postpone the Annual Meeting & Board Elections to a future date.  Normally the Annual Meeting of the WHO is held every March.  But due to ongoing safety and health concerns caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19), the membership agreed to postpone holding that meeting.  Stay tuned for future updates on when that meeting will be held.  The March 16, 2021 meeting of the WHO will keep the same format as the regular, monthly neighborhood meetings.  

Courtney Dufford, lead organizer for AMOS & Crystal Loving,
DSM resident and AMOS member present to the WHO 2/16/21

The featured guest presentation at the February WHO meeting was from AMOS (amosiowa.org) (A Mid-Iowa Organizing Strategy) on the subject of children's mental health.  Neighbors learned about the current challenges including funding.  

AMOS is advocating for positive change to the children's mental health system and funding in the state.  Neighbors can get involved in these efforts by expressing their interest to AMOS via an online survey here.  For more info, contact AMOS at amosiowa@gmail.com.  

State Sen. Claire Celsi addresses the Woodland
Heights Organization on Feb. 16, 2021

Busy (as usual) during the legislative session, but available on the evening of Feb. 16, State Senator Claire Celsi (whose district includes the Woodland Heights neighborhood) Zoomed into the February WHO meeting to share updates from the Capitol.  Celsi, a Democrat, is in the minority party and expressed frustration with much of the legislation brought by the majority Republicans.  
Sen. Celsi welcomes electronic communication (especially during a time when there is less in-person outreach):  Claire.celsi@legis.iowa.gov and by phone 515-462-0487.

Other business items conducted by the WHO included expressing neither support, nor opposition for the proposed rezoning and development of 2510 Ingersoll Ave. and sending a letter stating 4 neighborhood concerns to the Plan & Zoning Commission.  It was also agreed to move forward with High Street neighbors on efforts to address traffic calming on High Street.  


This post typed by Phil.

The Woodland Heights Organization (WHO) is the neighborhood association recognized by the city of Des Moines representing Woodland Heights. Its purpose is is to stabilize, preserve, and revitalize area homes, enhance the quality of life in the neighborhood, and to promote community within our neighborhood amongst all residents and businesses. WHO is a volunteer organization.

for more information email who50312@gmail.com; view past issues of the email newsletter and subscribe at bit.ly/whoemail; like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/whodesmoines

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