Dave Miglin, who is in his first term on the Board of Trustees of Broadlawns Medical Center, was the featured guest at the Feb. 15, 2022 meeting of the Woodland Heights Org.
Broadlawns Trustee, Dave Miglin, speaks with Woodland Heights neighbors Feb. 15, 2022 |
Mr. Miglin shared many exciting updates and info about Polk County’s safety net hospital that receives funding from property-tax-payers. Regarding COVID and hospital operations and staffing, Miglin was pleased to report that currently there were only 2 patients hospitalized with COVID (at the time of the meeting), down from 17 in January 2022, and 23 at the peak. Staffing the hospital is challenging due to employee burnout.
The new clinic being built at University Ave & 29th St. (just East of the Walgreens Store) will be very close to the Woodland Heights neighborhood. Mr. Miglin shared that it will be a great clinic where anyone from the public can become a patient and receive healthcare (not just Drake students).
Mental health services, the new CEO of Broadlawns, Alzheimer’s, and campus improvements were other topics Miglin touched on during his remarks.
State Sen. Claire Celsi attended the Feb. WHO meeting during which a sobering center was discussed |
Mr. Miglin spent some time updating neighbors on the discussions happening among stakeholders (including Polk County) on creating a new sobering center.
State Senator, Claire Celsi, Zoomed in to share a brief update on legislative items from the statehouse.
The Woodland Heights Org. voted and passed 1 item of business during the meeting, approving a show of support (by signing a letter) as part of a grant application to fund the purchase of a new LED screen to be used by DM Parks & Rec.
Officer Moody Zoomed in to share the NBSD report. This included updating neighbors on the communications he’s had related to the Yacht Club (Conditional Use permit to be reconsidered by the ZBOA), and his work on 3005 Center. That house has been boarded up as a public nuisance. It is vacant, so neighbors who see anyone trespassing there, are encouraged to call the non-emergency DMPD phone number (515) 283-4811.
During reports it was noted that the Woodland Heights Org. annual meeting (including Board elections) is planned for next month (March 15, 2022). To learn more about volunteer leadership and how to get more involved, contact who50312@gmail.com.
This post typed by Phil.
The Woodland Heights Organization (WHO) is the neighborhood association recognized by the city of Des Moines representing Woodland Heights. Its purpose is is to stabilize, preserve, and revitalize area homes, enhance the quality of life in the neighborhood, and to promote community within our neighborhood amongst all residents and businesses. WHO is a volunteer organization.
for more information email who50312@gmail.com; view past issues of the email newsletter and subscribe at bit.ly/whoemail; like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/whodesmoines
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